So right after Valentine's Day I begin to 'think Spring' and start my displays of whimsy and flowers to depict the current Season!!! Best Buds is a non-retail shop -- we are a Garden Floral Studio -- but that does not stop the designer in me from going full steam ahead with displays. I could not resist sharing this photo with all of you from a display that 'points' clients in the right direction when they come for their appointments -- this morning it was covered in soft fluffy snowflakes that seemed to tickle the rabbits' noses and make them smile. It was too good to pass up so the 'shutter bug' in me took a wee sampling of pictures and I hope you like this one!!!
We are coming to the end of February and March is knocking at the door -- this is a wonderful time to meet with your floral designer to discuss your Wedding Plans. The best advice I can offer to clients is to have your color scheme when you meet with your designer. Attire is important but color is what is happening when you step into the world of Flowers! The American Institute of Floral Designers is currently offering a Color Study Program on-line hosted by one of the uBloom experts, Leanne Kesler. It's a great refresher because Color Study is basic when you begin a Floral Design Program. You can never 'know enough' about trends and color. My goal is make sure 'I learn something new each day' and if I can share that with someone then it was worthwhile!!! So for today, let's enjoy the 'White' of the Snow and start planning for the Bright Spring Colors that will soon be popping up all around us!!!